The Gulf Coast Humane Society is limited on space, and because of this we are forced to turn away animals on a daily basis. YOU have the power to change that! When we have foster parents/homes available that means we can say yes to more animals in need.
If you would like to become a treasured member of our foster care team, please read the foster care handbook (linked to the right) and then apply by filling out the form below.
Submitting an application does not guarantee that you will become a foster in our program. Our volunteer coordinator, Amy, will reach out to you after submitting to go over the process and any additional steps.
If you have questions about being a foster parent, please email


Long-term fosters care for animals for one month or longer. The purpose of long-term fostering is to allow an animal to remain in a home environment while looking for their forever home. The shelter environment is highly stressful for animals. By remaining in a home, animals are less likely to develop behavioral issues; have the opportunity for better socialization; and remain happier and healthier during their time with GCHS. When hosting a long-term foster, your goal is to provide care for the animal, as well as advocating on their behalf in order to help them find the perfect permanent home.
Short-term fosters care for animals for up to one month. The following are the types of short-term foster arrangements that we offer:
Field Trips
Up to 6 hours away from the shelter. Popular field trip ideas include trips to the park, pet-friendly stores and restaurants, and the beach.
Sleep Overs
24 hours away from the shelter. Animal will stay in your home overnight. This is a popular foster option for families or individuals interested in adoption.
Puppies and Kittens 4 weeks and older who are no longer being bottle-fed but are not yet ready for sterilization and adoption.
For those interested in foster or adoption, we can arrange for short-term fostering of most animals in our care. Contact the Volunteer & Foster Coordinator to discuss an arrangement that you may be interested in.

Special needs fosters care for animals with medical issues, behavioral issues, or animals that require specialized training to care for. The following are examples of special needs foster arrangements that we see, however, special needs animals are all unique and could have issues not presented here:
Animals awaiting major treatment or surgery (pre-op)
Animals recovering from major treatment or surgery (post-op)
Bucket List
Also known as hospice, these animals may be terminally ill or elderly.
Heartworm Positive
Animals who are Heartworm Positive and need more specialized care than can be given in the shelter environment.
Bottle Babies
Puppies and kittens who are separated from their mother and must be bottle fed.
Mom and Babies
Litters of puppies and kittens who are with their mother and not yet weaned.
Animals who are in need of training in order to correct behaviors such as excessive chewing, jumping, escaping, dog reactivity, or other identifiable behaviors.
Animals who are in some way disabled. Including but not limited to blindness, deafness, paralysis, or on multiple prescriptions for health concerns.
What are the age requirements?
All fosters must be at least 18 years of age.
Are supplies provided?
When you foster for GCHS, everything you need is provided for you at absolutely no cost to you. All we require from you is a safe and loving temporary home!
Visit our FAQ page for more information on volunteering. Or email our Volunteer Coordinator at